Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hannah's Obsession

The latest addition to Hannah's room thanks to a Birthday present from Zac. Thanks Noreen!!!

She came up with this one all on her own. This is her pillow and she replaced Gabriella with herself. How could I not take a picture??? Is it normal for a 5 year old to think someone is "dreamy"? I had posters of Menudo, Rick Springfield, Duran Duran and Michael Jackson on my walls when I was little, but I think I was at least 10. I need to keep an eye on her, she is starting early.


Kellie said...

Oh My Gosh!! that is freakin hilarious.. ummmm I think maybe her mom has a current obsession with a boy named Edward! wonder where she gets her boy craziness from!!

Stacey said...

Madison had an obsession with Corbin Blue. I would rather that then a real live boyfriend. It is still cute at this age but I am not ready for the real thing.