Twilight...Finally! I was so excited to post about Twilight when I first saw it..... and then saw it again.....and then again and ..... again. Yep that's right 4 times so far. 4 times in 5 days I might add and 2 of them were on the same day! Insane? Maybe....Obsessed? Definitely! But now that its been a while and I have been too busy to post about it, I have lost some of my umpff (Spell check that one!) and have kept putting it off. I want to see it again to refresh my memory, but gee Ron doesn't want to go with me. I wonder why? Let me start off with the events leading up to the viewing. I convinced my friend Brandi at work to read the books a while ago. She was not thrilled, but took book 1 home on a Friday to humor me. By Saturday afternoon she was calling me to borrow the rest of them. So we have been hooked from the beginning. We spent our days at work looking up whatever info we could get about the movie. Like most of you we were not thrilled about their Edward choice, but he grew on us and now we love him!
Brandi and I didn't go see the movie until Nov 24th. Can you believe I resisted seeing it all weekend? We left work early and found this in the parking lot:
I am SOOOOO clueless. My friends Noreen and Shauna were asking me about work and where I park. I gave them the information and didn't even put 2 and 2 together when I saw this. I thought people at work had done it. I got in trouble for that one. Sorry Noreen! We tried to drive to the theater with these on but the wind ripped them off so we had to pull over and take the rest off. Oops
tiny seahorses......
So here is my review. The first time, I hate to say it, I didn't love it. UGH. If you have only seen it once, go see it again! I knew it would be different then the book but my mind kept comparing the 2. I haven't read any other books made into movies before. I usually just see the movie. So it was hard for me to just sit and enjoy. I knew what scenes were coming up next in the book and my mind would compare what I knew to what was happening on screen. Some of the things that bugged me the first time also were Bellas stuttering and sometimes monotone dialoque, Jasper's weirdness, Edward looking like he wants to puke when he smells her for the first time and what was the deal with glitter boy? I was expecting much more there. So I left not totally hating it, but thinking they could have done better. The second time I saw it - Totally different story. I LOVED IT! All those things didn't bug me anymore and I was able to enjoy it as a movie without comparing it to the book. Charlie was funny, I loved the baseball scene, the kitchen scene when they are making Bella dinner. I didn't get how funny that was the first time. I love when he knows that she knows what he is and he follows her into the woods. Okay yes, I am a total dork. I think about this stuff WAY to much I know. I sometimes forget I am a 36 year old happily married mother of 3 and not a 15 year old teenage girl. I have resisted buying an Edward poster. I don't think Ron would approve if I hung it up in our bedroom. I could hang it up in my new scrapbook room though.............hum... . I am not the only one though. Some Women my age are WAY more obsessed. Check this out: . Stephenie Meyer is only 1 year younger then me and she actually created this thing we are all obessessed with so I don't feel so bad. I can admit it - I am 36 and I am a Twilight Fan and I am proud of it! Like I really had to tell any of you that.
So in conclusion: I don't know if you would really get what is going on, if you hadn't read the book. Do they get that Edward wants to eat Bella because she smells so good, not that he wants to puke because he thinks she stinks? I don't think anyone knew how BIG the hype was going to be when they first started filming it. Now they know and I hope the make NEW MOON better. I still want to see more Twilight, 4 times just isn't enough and its been over a week, I am having withdrawls. Who wants to go with me? Shauna? Brandi? Ron thinks I am insane. Oh well. He is stuck with me. So was that really a conclusion? I say its a 9 out of 10. Not perfect but worth the money and again if you have only seen it once, go again. It gets better and better.
Now how soon until New Moon is out?????
Ok I only have given this award to a few people... You my friend are the recipiant of the
this award and club is considered to rank among the treckies and the dead heads of the world.
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