Friday, August 1, 2008

Friday Night - Part 1 - Mamma Mia

OH MY GOSH!!! This movie was sooo good and sooo funny! Tonight I went to see Mamma Mia with my Mom, Step-mom (yes.... Mom and Step-Mom. I am lucky to have parents that get along!) Sister, Sister-in-Law, My mom's sister and a family friend who is a co-worker of my moms, but was also in my step-mom's old ward. (It's a small world!) We had a great time. I saw the Broadway Musical of this show in Salt Lake with my friend Cynthia, but I didn't like it as much as I liked the movie. It was so worth it....well I could have done without the Pierce Brosnan singing, but other then that it was so good. I listened to my ABBA songs on my Ipod all the way home. So to all you girls out there that haven't seen it I say grab a fellow girlfriend, mom, sister, cousin, anyone and go see it!!!! I will even go see it again with you! :)


The Meaniwacs said...

I loved Mama Mia was so fun!